

          Publications and Preprints


              1. Free group actions on spaces homotopy equivalent to a sphere

                  (with K. Y. Ha, J. B. Lee),

                  Composito Mathematica, 120 (2000), 327~333 .

              2. Classification of free actions of finite groups on the 3-torus(II)

                  (with K. Y. Ha, S. W. Kim, J. B. Lee),

                  JP Jour. Geometry and Topology 1 (2001), 111~133.

              3.  Classification of free actions of finite groups on the 3-torus

                   (with K. Y. Ha, S. W. Kim, J. B. Lee),

                  Topology Appl. 121 (2002), 469~507.

              4. Projective complete cohomological dimension of a group,

                  Int. Math. Res. Not. (2004), 621~636.

              5. Multiple complexes and gaps in Farrell cohomology,

                  J. Pure App. Algebra 194 (2004), 147~158.

              6. Varieties of nilpotent elements for simple Lie algebras. I. Good primes

                  (with the University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group),

                  J. Algebra 280 (2004), 719~737.

              7. On the asphericity of certain 2-complexes

                  (with J. B. Lee),

                  Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 36 (2005), 3~10.

              8. Varieties of nilpotent elements for simple Lie algebras II: bad primes

                  (with the University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group),

                  J. Algebra 292 (2005), 65~99.

              9. Infinite-dimensional homotopy space forms

                  (with J. B. Lee),

                  Forum Math. 18 (2006), 305~322.

             10. Support varieties for Weyl modules over bad primes

                  (with the University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group),

                  J. Algebra 312 (2007), 602~633.

             11. A criterion for projective modules

                  Comm. Alg. 35 (2007), 1577~1587.

             12. On vanishing of L^2-betti numbers for groups,

                 J. Math. Soc. Japan 59 (2007), 1~14.

             13. Vanishing results for L^2-Betti numbers and L^2-Euler characteristics and their applications,

                 Internat. J. Math. 19 (2008), 21 ~ 26.

             14. Periodic cohomology and subgroups with bounded Bredon cohomological dimension

                 (with B. E. A. Nucinkis),

                 Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 144 (2008), 329~336.

             15. Complete homology and related dimensions of groups,

                 J. Group Theory 12 (2009), 431~448.

             16. On groups of type L^-1,

                 Internat. J. Math. 21(2010), 727~736.

             17. Group extensions and free actions by finite groups on solvmanifolds

                 (with J. B. Lee),

                 Math. Nachr. 283 (2010), 1054~1059.

             18. On n-deficiency of groups,

                 Internat. J. Math. 22 (2011), 195~200.

             19. Classification of complete regularities for finite topological spaces.

                 (with Y. S. Jo and C. W. Baek)

                 Acta Math.  Hungar. 137 (2012), 153~157.

             20. A note on free actions of groups on products of spheres,

                 (with J. B. Lee),

                 Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 88 (2013), 340~344.

             21. Atiyah's L^2-index theorem, Kan-Thurson construction, and Weak Bass conjecture,

                 Bull. Brazilian. Math. Soc. 45(2014), 355~369.

             22. A note on Rhodes groups and Gottlieb-Rhodes groups,

                  (with K. H. Choi and J. M. Moon)

                  to appear in Tohoku Math. J.

             23. Homotopy types of certain homologically nilpotent spaces,

                  (with Y. S. Jo and C. W. Baek)


             24. When does a topological space dominate finitely many different homotopy types?

                  (with C. W. Baek)


             25. Equivariant L^2-Euler characteristics of a cocompact proper G-CW-complex,


             26. Counterexamples to Borsuk's question,

                  (with J. B. Lee),


             27. On some questions regarding projectivity criteria ,










Copyright(c) JangHyun Jo, All rights reserved