Pak Tung Ho


Department of Mathematics

Sogang University


This is my cat, Cheeseball

Here is my CV.

Here is my Google Scholar profile.

Here is my interview by Sogang weekly. Here is the Korean version.

Contact Information:

Office: R1409

Address: Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Seoul 04107, Korea

Phone: 02-705-8876

Email: paktungho"at"yahoo"dot"com"dot"hk



¨      Ph.D. (2010) Purdue University, Advisor: Prof. Sai Kee Yeung, Thesis: Results on geometric flow

¨      M.Phil. (2004) Chinese University of Hong Kong

¨      B.Sc. (2002) Hong Kong Baptist University


Employment and Professional Experience:

Ø  06/2020-present: Member, Center for Quantum SpaceTime, Sogang University

Ø  04/2019-12/2022: Associate Member, School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advance Study

Ø  09/2019- present: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sogang University

Ø  08/2016-01/2017: Visiting Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University

Ø  09/2014-08/2019: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sogang University

Ø  09/2010-08/2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sogang University



·         Excellent research paper award, 2018, Korean Mathematical Society  official annoucement of KMS  KMS newsletter  annoucement from Sogang University (in English)  annoucement from Sogang University (in Korean)  announcement from School of Natural Science (in Korean)

·         Faculty Members of the Year, 2018, Best Research Award, Sogang University  Link

·         Faculty Members of the Year, 2017, Best Teaching Award, Sogang University  Link

·         Faculty Members of the Year, 2016, Best Research Award, Sogang University  Link 1  Link 2

·         Faculty Members of the Year, 2014, Best Research Award, Sogang University  Link

·         Faculty Members of the Year, 2012, Best Research Award, Sogang University  Link 

·         Faculty Members of the Year, 2011, Best Teaching Award, Sogang University  Link 

·         Gerald R. MacLane Memorial Award, 2006, Outstanding Graduate Student in Mathematics, Purdue University


Research Interest:

Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Geometric Flow, Partial Differential Equation, and Graph Theory


Selected publications:

1. (Joint with Jinwoo Shin) Equivariant Yamabe problem with boundary. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 61 (2022), no.1, Paper No. 38.  Link


2. Uniqueness results on CR manifolds. Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 22 (2021), no. 2, 853-870.  Link


3. (Joint with Jih-Hsin Cheng and Hung-Lin Chiu) Connected sum of CR manifolds with positive CR Yamabe constant. J. Geom. Anal. 31 (2021), 298-311.  Journal Link  Link on


4. Results related to Chern-Yamabe flow. J. Geom. Anal. 31 (2021), 187-220.  Link


5. (Joint with Junyeop Lee and Jinwoo Shin) The second generalized Yamabe invariant and conformal mean curvature flow on manifolds with boundary. J. Differential Equations 274 (2021), 251–305. Link


6. Prescribing Q-curvature on  in the presence of symmetry. Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 19 (2020), p.715-722.  Link


7. (Joint with Hung-Lin Chiu) Global differential geometry of curves in three dimensional Heisenberg group and CR sphere. J. Geom. Anal. 29 (2019), p.3438–3469. Link


8. (Joint with Weimin Sheng and Kunbo Wang) Convergence of the CR Yamabe flow. Math. Ann. 373 (2019), p.743-830. Journal link  Link on


9. Prescribing the Q'-curvature in three dimension. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 39 (2019), p.2285-2294.  Link


10. Conformal CR positive mass theorem. J. Geom. Anal. 28 (2018), p.3477-3490. Link


11. (Joint with Xuezhang Chen) Conformal curvature flows on compact manifold of negative Yamabe constant. Indiana U. Math. J. 67 (2018), p.537-581. Link


12. (Joint with Leyang Bo and Weimin Sheng) The k-Yamabe solitons and the quotient Yamabe solitons. Nonlinear Anal. 166 (2018), p.181-195. Link


13. Soliton to the fractional Yamabe flow. Nonlinear Anal. 139 (2016), p.211-217. Link


14. The Webster scalar curvature flow on CR sphere. Part II. Adv. Math. 268 (2015), p.836-905. Link  Detailed version on


15. The Webster scalar curvature flow on CR sphere. Part I. Adv. Math. 268 (2015), p.758-835. Link  Detailed version on


16. The long time existence and convergence of the CR Yamabe flow. Commun. Contemp. Math. 14 (2012), pp50. Link


17. Prescribed curvature flow on surfaces. Indiana U. Math. J. 60 (2011), p.1517-1542. Link


18. Q-curvature flow on . Comm. Anal. Geom. 18 (2010), p.791-820. Link


19. The structure of φ-stable minimal hypersurfaces in manifolds of nonnegative P-scalar curvature. Math. Ann. 348 (2010), p.319-332. Link



Click here for the full publications list.



Geometric Analysis online seminar, 2021


Geometry Conference in Sogang University, Korea, 2020 (CANCELLED)


Sharp geometric inequalities and applications to geometry and PDEs, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, China, 2019


International Conference on Complex and Geometric Analysis, Xinyang, China, 2019


2019 CUHK Mathematics Alumni International Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2019


2019 KMS Spring meeting, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, 2019


Sinchon Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Sogang University, Korea, 2018


2018 Taipei Conference on Geometric Invariance and Partial Differential Equations, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2018


Workshop of Geometric Analysis, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2017


Pacific Rim Complex-Symplectic Geometry Conference, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, Pohang, South Korea, 2017


Complex Geometry Conference--in honor of Ngaiming Mok’s 60th birthday, KIAS, Korea, 2016


The 11st Korean Conference in Several Complex Variables, Gyeong Ju, Korea, 2016


2016 KMS Spring meeting, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, 2016


International Conference on Geometric and Nonlinear Analysis, Xinyang, China, 2015


PNU Math Forum 2015, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, 2015


Young Geometric Analysts Forum, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, China, 2015


2014 Taipei Workshop on Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2014


Workshop on Partial Differential Equation and its Applications, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, 2014


International Conference on Complex Analysis and Geometry, Wuhan University, China, 2014


Workshop on Complex Geometry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2012


6th Pacific Rim Conference on Complex Geometry, Gyeong Ju, Korea, 2011






If you can read Chinese, here is a story of a pen.

Here is a very inspiring video of Stephen Curry: Success is Not an Accident

Updated: 22nd January, 2022