Welcome to the CODING-A Lab.

(Codes with Optimum, Discrete math, Information security, Numbers, and Games + Applications Laboratory)


Jon-Lark Kim, Ph. D. (김종락)

Department of Mathematics 
Sogang University
35 Baekbeom-ro, Mapo-gu,
Seoul 121-742, S. Korea

Office: R 1419, Tel (02) 705-8875, Fax (02) 714-6284

Email :   jlkim at sogang.ac.kr


Cogito ergo sum, Je pense donc je suis, I think therefore I am, 나는 생각한다 고로 존재한다, 我思故我在, 我思うゆえにあり, Pienso luego existo, Penso doncs existeixo;

I am therefore I can!

My Daum blog: 수학과 세상살이 (Math and Living)


Recent News :


7. ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic Coding Theory (부호론 위성학회)

\A0\A0 2014-8-11~2014-8-12, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea


6. The 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software (수학 소프트웨어 위성학회),

Special Session: Software, Algorithm, and Application of Coding Theory

\A0\A0 2014-8-5~2014-8-9,\A0 Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea


5. Coding Theory Summer School (부호론 여름학교)

\A0\A0 2013-7-15~2013-7-17, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences


4. 2012 KIAS International Conference on Coding Theory and Applications


3. POSTECH Workshop on Coding Theory

Second Announcement (in pdf )

6th Announcement in pdf


2. A member of the Editorial Board of

Designs, Codes and Cryptography

(One of the most active international SCI journals in the above areas.)


1. My first book with David Joyner:

Selected Unsolved Problems in Coding Theory

(ISBN 978-0-8176-8255-2, Birkhauser Boston)


Associate Professor at Math Dept of Sogang University (Sep. 2012-current)

Associate Professor with tenure at Math Dept of University of Louisville (July 2010-2012)

Assistant Professor at Math Dept of University of Louisville (2005-June 2010)

Research Assistant Professor at Math Dept of University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2002-2005)

Ph. D in Math from the University of Illinois at Chicago, May 2002

M.S. in Math from Seoul National University, Korea, Feb. 1997

B.S. in Math from POSTECH, Korea, Feb. 1993




Teaching (Spring, 2013), Office Hour: MW 1:30-3:30, Th 10:00-12:00 and by appointment.

1. Algebra I (MAT6111), TuTh, 13:15-14:30, R1418

Textbook: Abstract Algebra by Dummit and Foote, 3rd edition

2. Linear Algebra (MAT2110), TuTh, 3:00-4:15, RA406B

Textbook: Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang, Wellesley Cambridge Press 4th edition

For more information use Cyber Campus.

Coding theory seminar (Spring, 2013), at 10:30-12:00 , R 1418

Courses taught


Areas of Interest :

\B7        Coding Theory: Algebra/Combinatorics/Number Theory Aspect (대수학, 조합론, 정수론을 이용한 부호(코딩))

\B7        Coding Applications: Cryptography, Quantum, Network, Biology (암호, 양자, 네트워크, 생물학등의 응용)

\B7        Information Security and its Industrial Applications (정보보안 산업체 응용)

\B7        Recreational Mathematics: Mathematical puzzles, Integer sequences, Magic squares, Games (수학 퍼즐, 정수 수열, 마방진, 게임등)


 Curriculum Vita (pdf file)
Thesis Advisor : Vera Pless

 List of Publications

(click and see MathSciNet Reviewand Papers Reviewed by me)

 Selected Talks

The CODING-A Lab Members: 박준용, 이나리 (Ph.D. course); 정성용 (M.S. course)


2004 Kirkman medal from the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applicatoins (Other ICA medals)

Editorial Board:

Designs, Codes and Cryptography

International Journal of Information and Coding Theory (IJICoT)

Program Committee:

13th IMA Conf. on Cryptography and Coding Theory at University of Oxford, UK

12th IMA Conf. on Cryptography and Coding Theory, at Cirencester


2006 Fall Central Section AMS Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 21-22, 2006:

Algebraic Coding Theory--Honoring the Retirement of Vera Pless

Pictures of Attendants

2007 Fall Central Section AMS Meeting, Chicago, IL, Oct. 5-6, 2007:

Algebraic Coding Theory (In honor of Harold N. Ward\92s retirement)


 last modified : 2014-02-27-4-8 (\914\92 denotes Thursday and \917\92 is the ISBN parity check)